Thursday 8 November 2018

Important and Effective Uses of CBD Oil for Dogs!!

Cannabidiol or CBD is mainly a compound that is found in cannabis, a type of plant that is often associated with marijuana. It is one of among 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant many of which also have some potential health benefits on the animals. CBD won’t get your pet high and unlike the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana, CBD is absolutely non-psychoactive and completely safe to be used on pets including dogs, cats and so on.

CBD Oil for Pets

How CBD interact with your pet’s body?
CBD interacts with the pet’s body via the ECS or endocannabinoid system which is a biological system found in all mammals. ECS also helps to manage a wide range of biological processes such as memory, immune response, sleep and many more. Unlike the THC that makes a psychotic buzz, CBD has no psychoactive stimulus and provides your dog with pain relieving feel and calming sensations without harming them with any intoxicating reactions.

Nonetheless, the primary effects of CBD are same in humans, cats, dogs, and other pets because just like humans, cats and dogs also have an endocannabinoid system that functions in the same way as the human ECS.

Benefits of CBD oil on pets
The advantages of using CBD Oils for Dogs are just incredible. Only because of the amazing benefits of this oil, more and more people are seeking it for their four-legged friend. Products containing CBD oil have become very famous these days and additionally have opened up a whole new pet care world.

Below mentioned are some important uses of CBD Oils for Dogs
1.    Helps to boost appetite:
When your dog loses their appetite, it can really be tough to know the exact reason behind this. However, many times this problem happens due to nausea and feverish feeling. Just like humans don’t eat when they feel like that and only want to have something that can alleviate the digestive issue, in the same way, dogs also want something that can provide them relief. So, CBD oils can do this for your pet and can provide a pain relive feel to your dogs.

2.    Cures epilepsy and seizures:
CBD oil can also be the best medicine for the treatment of epilepsy and seizures. Many dog owners turn to CBD oil when their pets suffer from these issues. High level of CBD can help reduce the frequency of seizures and in some cases, it also works to cure it completely.

3.    Anti-inflammatory benefits:
The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD are known to be one of the primary reasons this compound is so effective in curing several numbers of health conditions of your dogs.

4.    Reduces stress and anxiety:
CBD can also be used to help manage your dog’s variety of mental conditions including stress and anxiety. Just like humans, pets can also suffer from stress issues or even from specific phobias which can be cured by the use of CBD oil products.

The majority of health conditions in dogs lead to the same types of symptoms like nausea, chronic pain, change in behavior, loss of appetite, etc. CBD is one such product that works as an all-rounder and helps your dog to relax and overcome all types of pain.

Uses & Benefits of Hemp Oil

Hemp seed oil is often referred as “hemp oil,” which is harvested by cold-pressing hemp seeds. The oil is often unrefined and has a clear green texture. Hemp oil gives a nutty flavor to the dish when used for culinary purpose. Along with adding flavor to the meal, it also proffers several benefits to the human skin when used in the right way. The oil has numerous health benefits as it is a great source of high-quality nutrients. If we dig the past, we will realize that the oil has a long history of utilization in Eastern culture as a multi-purpose panacea.

Hemp Oil

Misconception Associated With the Use of Hemp Oil -

In spite of the widespread popularity of the hemp oil, prejudice related to its association with Marijuana has kept it far from the common use in the West. Hemp oil contains no THC (the psychoactive element in cannabis). The oil is significantly different from cannabid oil (CBD) oil, which is an extract of the cannabis plant and utilizes hemp flowers and leaves for its production. Thankfully, education is prevailing and the market for hemp oil is growing, with an ever increasing number of people in search of it for its reported health benefits. Thanks to its nourishing vitamins and moisturizing qualities!

 Benefits of Hemp Oil -

  • Hemp oil helps to maintain hormonal balance which helps to attain a healthy menopause. Also, the oil also deals with tackling symptoms like hot flashes and depression.
  • Since the oil has low carbohydrate and sugar content, it acts as a great remedy for diabetics and reducing the cholesterol rate if used in cooking.
  • Skin oxygenation and hydration are the key benefits of using hemp oil as they contain omega 6 fatty acids that will in turn help in preventing psoriasis. Also, unlike other oil, the hemp oil will not clog skin pores at all as it has a zero come do genic rating.
  • Beautiful hair, healthy nails and smooth skin can be easily attained if you are a regular user of hemp oil.
  • Since the oil is rich in having essential fatty acid, your immune system will also be boosted with its regular use.

Hemp oil can be used as for cooking but remember, the oil is not suitable for high heat cooking.
You can sue the oil as salad dressing also in case if you run out of olive oil.

The oil is good for all skin types.

How to Use Hemp Oil?

Since the oil offers a delicate nutty flavour to every dish, you can use it for salad dressing. Also, you can prepare smoothies, vegetables and all kinds of pasta using this oil. A gentle massage to your skin with this oil will nourish the skin and increase the blood circulation also.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Healing Benefits of CBD Oils for Pets

Cannabis is considered to be a great food that provides all vital components required for a good health. The plant has many benefits for human health. But it also has hosts of health benefits for dogs and help treating many health issues with dogs.

Hemp Oil

CBD oils extracted from the plant have many health benefits for not only humans but also pets, says Ian Pedersen who has done researches on the benefit of CBD oils. According to him who has worked for many years to support humans and animals with issues ranging from neurological disorders to tumors and cancer related issues, the oils helps cell generation, improve neurological brain health, boost immunity and cardiovascular health. In addition, there are many more benefits that make CBD oils extracted from cannabis plants a great alternative food for dogs.

Let us check the benefit of cannabis plants below…
Boos Immunity
The plant is known to help enhance immunity. Our immune system as well as the immune system of dogs is directly related to the central nervous system. Endocannabinoid system is primarily responsible for regulating many central nervous system functions. And the receptors in the body send and receive signals through the brain, nervous system, and internal organs.

The poor immunity cause many health problems such as:
·         Arthritis
·         Joint issues
·         Neuropathic disorders
·         Neurological disorders (such as seizures)
·         Blood disorders
·         Tumors and cancers

Cannabinoids also help improve the immune system’s ability to modulate activity, and helps to control cellular degeneration. And this allows cells to fight off free radicals thereby preventing the development of cancerous cells

Improve the receptors functions in Pets

The receptors in the body are used by brain to send signals through these receptors to many regions of the body.

These signals can:
·         Promote healthy cell growth
·         Regulate unwanted neurological responses in the case of seizures and pain responses caused by inflammation
·         Help cells fight against free radicals
·         Support the body’s fight against cancer and tumor growth

Help fight cancer
Many studies show the benefits of CBD oil benefits.  According to a study by National Institutes of Health, the CBD oils can be used an anti-cancer agent that helps promote the healthy proliferation of cells. Other studies that have examined CBD oil show that CBD modulates tumor proliferation in different cancer types. The National Cancer Institute has also showed possible benefits of symptom management and tumor reduction through these studies.

With no doubt, the CBD Oils provide many health benefits for pets.  But make sure you buy the one that contains no toxins for your pets.

Important and Effective Uses of CBD Oil for Dogs!!

Cannabidiol or CBD is mainly a compound that is found in cannabis, a type of plant that is often associated with marijuana. It is one of a...